
PUBLICA newsletter

Info for pension recipients

Our newsletter features a wealth of information for pension recipients. Read the most recent issue from January 2024.

Gut zu wissen


Die Renten werden jeweils bis spätestens am 10. des Monats auf das Bank- oder Post-Konto der anspruchsberechtigten Person ausbezahlt (Beispiel: Die Rente für den Monat April wird bis spätestens am 10. April überwiesen).

Additional important information for pension recipients

Payment details – International Bank Account Number (IBAN)

Benefits are paid to the eligible pension recipient’s account at a bank or the post office.

If your bank account number changes, please notify us of the new account number in IBAN format. The IBAN varies in length from country to country, and contains a maximum of 34 characters. A Swiss IBAN always has 21 (e.g. CH38 0888 8123 4567 8901 2). The best way to notify PUBLICA of your new payment details is to supply us with a copy of your new paying-in slip.

To facilitate processing, please quote your personal social insurance or ID number whenever you contact PUBLICA in writing with an enquiry or to provide information. Thank you!

For pension recipients living outside Switzerland: SEPA transfers now available to your account

PUBLICA is now set up to make transfers in euros, so we can pay out your pension in that currency. This saves bank charges you would otherwise incur on transfers to a bank abroad, but it also means you bear the cost of any fluctuation in the exchange rate between the Swiss franc and euro. Please note that for SEPA payments to be made, your bank has to be a SEPA member. You can update your account information yourself in the myPublica digital portal, or speak to your contact at PUBLICA.

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