Whenever you visit PUBLICA’s website (https://publica.ch), PUBLICA automatically collects details of your visit. These include:
- the anonymised IP address of the device used;
- the identification data of the browser used (e.g. Edge, Firefox);
- the operating system of the device used (e.g. Windows 10, Mac OSX, Android);
- the quantity of data transferred (how much data was downloaded from the website);
- the name of the internet service provider (e.g. Swisscom, UPC, Sunrise);
- the date and time of access; and
- technical data (e.g. the name and URL of the linking web page if the PUBLICA website was accessed via a link, as well as the search term if the website was accessed via a search engine)
- The data we collect do not allow PUBLICA to identify the person concerned, and are retained in aggregated form for no more than two years.
We also collect personal data (such as your name, gender, home address, e-mail address and telephone number) which you supply to us via the website, for example when you enter information in a form. PUBLICA uses your personal data:
- to provide you with information about our services and offerings
- to enable you to use various online services (calculator for new members, job application form, course registration form and contact form)
When using personal data, PUBLICA complies with the applicable laws and regulations.