
No restructuring measures on the basis of the 2022 funded ratio

PUBLICA is a collective institution made up of a number of pension plans. At the end of 2022, the consolidated funded ratio of the open pension plans stood at 96.1%. This means they are underfunded. The parity commissions and Board of Directors have addressed the underfunding.

The pension actuaries have rated the degree of underfunding as low. This means that the underfunding can be expected to be remedied within five years without the need for restructuring measures. The bodies responsible therefore decided not to initiate any restructuring measures at present.

The consolidated funded ratio is provided for information purposes only and requires the fund to notify all beneficiaries in the event of underfunding. With regard to any implications for active members and pension recipients, the only relevant figure is the funded ratio for their own pension plan. PUBLICA is complying with the information requirement by notifying all active members by e-mail at the beginning of August 2023 and pension recipients via newsletter in January 2024. Pension recipients in the closed pension plans have received a letter.

Pension plan Funded ratio as at 31 December 2022
Affiliated Organisations 100,5 %
Confederation 95,5 %
ENSI 98,2 %
ETH 97,2 %
FINMA 98,3 %
IPI 100,8 %
METAS 96,1 %
PUBLICA 99,3 %
FAOA 98,4 %
SNM 99,6 %
Swissmedic 99,0 %

The consolidated funded ratio rose again in the first half of 2023. However, the markets remain volatile. PUBLICA continues to monitor the situation on an ongoing basis and will reassess at the end of each year whether restructuring measures are needed.

Contact for queries

Portrait von Karin Egger

Karin Egger

Deputy Head of Corporate Communications
I am available Monday – Friday
Phone +41 58 485 22 42