Two decades of PUBLICA

The Swiss Federal Pension Fund PUBLICA has existed in its current form since 2003, the year of the long, hot summer. Two decades later, the 20th anniversary was a chance for staff from PUBLICA’s office to celebrate – and meet some of the people they insure.

«We will align ourselves more closely with the needs of our active members and their employers» is one of PUBLICA’s strategic priorities for the years 2023 to 2026. Staff from PUBLICA’s office took that message to heart and visited active members at a variety of locations. Groups of PUBLICA employees past and present were warmly welcomed at the Federal Palace, the National Library and National Archives, METAS, the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Agroscope, the Federal Office for the Environment and the Federal Office of Public Health. They were given a guided tour, and all were impressed by the variety of work going on and the specialist knowledge behind it. In the evening they met up with guests from the Board of Directors, the parity commissions, and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Assembly of Delegates for food, drinks and music – as well as a chance to discuss the afternoon’s experiences and share anecdotes.

Alte Computer, Ballons, Luftschlangen